Leadership Peach: Module 2
Module 2 (Morning Session)
September 18, 2023 at the Byron Welcome Center
8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Primer: Change Management
Research indicates that up to 97 percent of all Change efforts fail. This learning module introduces key Change Management related concepts that are not well recognized, or if recognized, utilized. This learning module sets the stage for the Deeper Dives that follow.
Deeper Dive: The ABCs of Resistance©
Resistance to change manifests in many ways. Polarization occurs. Conflict emerges. Changes fail. This learning module exposes the Leader to concepts that may be uncomfortable but that should be addressed if Change Management is to succeed.
Deeper Dive: Change Plus 7© - Antecedent of Success
Successful Change Management requires a long-term focus and a set of soft skills that many find antagonistic to the MBA mental model. The difficulty for many is captured by the phrase "Soft is Hard. Hard is Soft."
Afternoon Session: Taxes & Housing
In the afternoon, Alfie Meek, Ph.D., the Director of the Center for Economic Development Research at the Georgia Tech Enterprise Innovation Institute, will outline and examine the fiscal impacts of taxes and housing in a community. There will also be a panel discussion with representation from the following Peach County agencies/offices: Board of Equalization; Board of Commissioners; Tax Assessors, and Tax Commissioner.
Topics will include:
Taxes- Historical trends
- What they pay for
- Freeport Exemptions
- What and how taxes are generated
- Retail
- Real property
Housing- Burdon vs benefit
- Average sales
- Area statistics
- Why we do/do not need additional housing
Leadership Peach: Module 2Date and Time
Monday Sep 18, 2023
8:30 AM - 4:00 PM EDTLocation
Byron Welcome Center
Byron, GA 31008Fees/Admission
You must be a participant in the Leadership Peach Program class in order to attend this session. Closed to the public.
Contact Information
Peach Regional Chamber of Commerce
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