• Membership Survey

    We're collecting information from our Peach Regional Chamber of Commerce members and website users to help us improve the services we provide to you. Please take a few minutes and let us know what you think and how we can best serve you.
    If you have a business membership, please provide your business address. If you have an individual membership, please provide your mailing address.
    How long have you been a member?
    Select your favorite Chamber events
    Would you be interested in ...
    Yes No
    I take advantage of the FREE job posting option
    I enjoy receiving the Newsletter
    I use the Community Events Calendar to find upcoming events
    I've taken advantage of the FREE or low cost webinars
    I have a banner ad and/or I'd like to have one
    I participate in the annual Pre-Legislative Town Hall meetings
    I've participated in one or more Business After Hours
    I've used the Community Event Calendar to promote an event for my business
    I've used the FREE notary service
    I've attended the Celebration of Community Banquet
    I've attended the Christmas Party
    I've attended other Peach Regional Chamber of Commerce events
    I'm enjoying my FREE Upgraded/Expanded Membership package
    I'd like to have my business promoted, listed and/or highlighted in the Newsletter and on social media
    Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
    I do most of my shopping locally
    I use the Chamber Business Directory
    Are we serving your needs as members of the Peach Regional Chamber of Commerce? Rate us on a scale of 1-10 with 10 stars being the highest rating and 1 being the lowest rating. We want to improve and grow with you and your business!